Inter House English Poem Recitation (I & II) - 2024

The Inter House English Poem Recitation Competition was held on 9th August, 2024 comprising the students of classes I and II. For the competition, the participants were divided into two categories-

Group A- Classes I

Group B- Classes II


There were eight participants each in Group A and Group B. The judges for the competition were Ms. Sonal Shah and Ms. Sheeba Saji. The event was graced by the presence of the Principal, Dr. Kavita Sharma. All the participants were judged based on the criteria like Selection of the poem, Pronunciation, Memory and confidence, Voice Modulation and Articulation, Clarity and General Impression.



The winners were awarded by Ms. Sonal Shah And Ms. Sheeba Saji respectively.

The winners of group A were:

  1. First position- Dhairyaa Khatwani (JB House)
  2. Second position- Het Desai (AS House)
  3. Third position- Reya Patel (CS House)


The winners of group B were:

  1. First position-Jiansh Jadhav (JB House)
  2. Second position- Hazel Doshi ( CS Hosuse) and Nivaan Surana (RT House)
  3. Third position- Shailaja Dhokia (AS House)


The competition culminated with the Principal sharing her valuable feedback. The participants were acknowledged by giving certificates by Ms. Asma Nagamia and Ms. Neelam Rathi. The event ended with the National Anthem.