Teachers' Day Celebration - 2024

The special celebration organized by the students of JG International School for their teachers on Thursday, 5th September 2024 was a memorable and heartfelt event. The day began with a morning assembly in the auditorium, where teachers and admin staff were warmly welcomed with handmade decorations and personalized tags. The Head Girl, Ms. Gurvi G Patel and Ms. Hirva P Raval both kicked off the event with humorous anecdotes.

A video featuring JGIS alumni was played, extending heartfelt Teachers' Day wishes. The video added a nostalgic touch to the celebrations, reflecting on their past experiences. The thoughtful messages and personal stories shared in the video enriched the festivities, creating a memorable and touching tribute to the dedication of educators.

The senior students dressed in sarees and formal attire, stepped into their favorite teachers' roles for the day. Following the assembly, the student-teachers took over their respective classes, providing a unique and entertaining experience for their peers. While the students enjoyed the role reversal, the student-teachers faced the challenges of their new responsibilities with respect.

After the classes, everyone gathered in the auditorium for an extended celebration. The students presented a variety of performances. A highlight of the day was the projection of short humorous clips created by the students.

The teachers awarded the 'Best Student-Teacher' titles to those who excelled in their teaching roles, recognizing their efforts and dedication. Student-teachers went on to reflect on their experience(s) as teachers. The teachers expressed their gratitude and were deeply touched by the students' thoughtful gestures, reaffirming the special bond between them and their students.