JG University Visit – 2024

An insightful session on “Career Guidance” was conducted on 27th September, 2024 by JG University for class XII students, emphasizing the significance of career planning in shaping their future. The school aimed to provide students with clarity and direction, as they prepare to enter the next phase of their lives.

The session featured two distinguished speakers Mr. Siddharth Singh and Mr. Kashif Abbasi highlighting AI-driven careers and JG University's Tech-Driven approach with strong industry partnerships. Mr. Singh highlighted the impact of AI on career choices and the potential to unlock new avenues for personal and professional growth. Mr. Abbasi elaborated on the university's commitment to evolving its curriculum, ensuring that students are well-prepared for both employment and self-employment opportunities.

The session concluded with a Q&A segment, where students expressed their uncertainties about course/career decisions. The speakers addressed their concerns, providing valuable insights and guidance.

Overall, the session proved to be highly motivating and informative for the students, equipping with the knowledge needed to navigate their future career paths effectively.