Core Management


Dr. M P Chandran is responsible for the overall management of the school. He has done his post graduation in management and has many years of experience at Senior and Board level positions in public and private sector companies. As a trustee of ASIA Charitable Trust he has been in the forefront in all its endeavor. Passionate about education, he and his team are building JG International School into a school of global standards.

Dr. (Mrs.) Kavita Sharma – PRINCIPAL

Dr. Kavita Sharma is one of those rare teachers who made a decision to become a school teacher very early in life. She pursued her passion by topping the Integrated B.Sc.Ed course at Regional College of Education, Mysore in 1995.

She again topped the University at her Post graduation at CSJM University, Kanpur. After 15 years of teaching at schools in the South, North and West India, she equipped herself for a leadership position by getting a Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership & Management as well as Masters in Education.

She has again excelled herself by completing her PhD in Education, earning the well-deserved Doctorate, from Calorex Teachers’ University, Ahmedabad.

With a rare combination of intellectual excellence and a humanitarian approach to education leadership, she, as Principal since 2012, has taken JG International school to newer heights, year after year, be its outstanding academic record or achievements in Sports & Games or Creative pursuits or its students getting into the Best institutions of Higher Education in India and abroad.

Dr. Sharma, brings to JGIS, a combination of qualifications and experience in leading schools affiliated to National and International Boards, that allow her to train teachers and students alike. Her leadership has allowed the school to develop a broad vision and pursue excellence in whatever it attempts.


Mrs. Rekha Anil, a management graduate, has earned her spurs in Administration, by joining JGIS on the day of its opening. A hands-on manager, she has brought in an overall improvement in House-keeping, Cafeteria and transportation. She has transformed Administration into a truly service department that provides all assistance proactively to help academicians make JGIS a class apart. Her role in Recruitment, Selection and Human Resources management also has been exemplary. She leads by example and ensures proper parent relations as well as support services.