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  • Ganesh Chaturthi - 2015

    Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated in our campus on 16th September, 2015 during morning assembly in our Auditorium.  The celebration began with the Head Boy Ishan Gadhvi bringing the idol of Lord Ganesha in a procession accompanied by all council members and students.  The programme started with a group song on Ganesh stuti followed by a dance depicting Eleven types of Ganesha by our kids of Primary Section.  Ganeshas were introduced through  Bharat Natyam by Harakh Patel of class IX.  Ananya Anandhara

  • Carnival - 2015

    ‘Open House’ was organized on 31st  t January,2015 for classes to VIII.The students of showcased all the themes and concepts of English, Maths and EVS covered in the class throughout the year. Each and every child participated in it.They displayed their communication skills through telling picture stories, sentence maker game, explanation of concepts like Pictograph, Venn Diagram, Tens and units, Ascending and Descending order through Montessori aids.